Best Paper of Session Award Supporter: The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration

Thank you to The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration for supporting the Best Paper of Session Award during the Cornea and Eye Banking Forum. 



Celebrating its 75th Anniversary, The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration is the world’s first eye bank. Founded in 1944 in New York City by R. Townley Paton, M.D., it is a private, not-for-profit organization devoted to restoring sight through eye donations and cornea transplants, as well as providing ocular tissue for research into the treatment and cure of other blinding eye diseases. Public awareness about the need for eye donations is a key component of our efforts that have restored sight to more than 68,000 men, women and children since The Eye-Bank was established.


Contact Information

120 Wall Street
New York, NY 10005

Facebook: @eyebankny 

Phone: (212) 742-9000


