2021 Annual Meeting
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Contains 2 Component(s)
Medical Director Symposium
The Medical Director Symposium will include presentations and discussion on topics of relevance to eye bank Medical Directors, physicians and eye bank professionals. All attendees are encouraged to attend.
Sessions include:
Mini-Symposium: COVID-19 and the Cornea
Accreditation Board Update and Preparing for Inspections in a Pandemic
Determination of Graft Failure and Early Re-Grafts
Medical Director Dilemmas: What Would You Do?Learn the latest guidelines for donor eligibility, updates from the Accreditation Board, information for determining and reporting graft failures, and participate in lively discussion about real cases.
Medical Directors are required to attend the Medical Director Symposium once every three years.
Amedco LLC has approved this activity for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM
Beverly Forsyth
Associate Professor
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Beverly Forsyth, MD, has a dual appointment at theIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai as Associate Professor in theDepartment of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Department ofMedical Education. She has an BA from Cornell University, College of Arts andSciences, and received her medical degree from the University of VermontCollege of Medicine. She completed her Internal Medicine residency atMontefiore Medical Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Shecompleted her Infectious Diseases Fellowship at the Icahn School of Medicine atMount Sinai. At Mount Sinai, she is a clinician-educator and she combines aclinical HIV practice with teaching and participation in scholarly work inmedical education.
Anthony Aldave, MD
Professor of Ophthalmology
Stein Eye Institute
Anthony Aldave, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology and Chief of the Cornea and Uveitis Division at the Stein Eye Institute. As a member of the EBAA Medical Advisory Board, Dr. Aldave and colleagues reported an increase in donor-transmitted fungal infections following corneal transplantation in 2013. He has maintained an interest in this topic since, recently publishing an invited editorial on the role of antifungal prophylaxis after receipt of a positive donor rim fungal culture and completing a study investigating the incidence, treatments and outcomes of donor-transmitted fungal infection following DMEK.
Shahzad Mian, MD
Medical Director
Shahzad Mian, MD, is professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Michigan Medical School and serves as the Vice Chair for Clinical Sciences and Learning. Dr. Mian previously served as director of the residency training program between 2004-2019. Dr. Mian’s practice is focused in cornea and refractive surgery and research interests include corneal transplantation techniques, ocular graft versus host disease, and eye banking. Dr. Mian received the senior achievement award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2015, the Straatsma award for resident education in 2017 and the R. Townley Paton Award from the EBAA in 2019. Dr. Mian serves on the Board of Eye Bank Association of America, Cornea Society, and Eversight Eye Bank. Dr. Mian also serves on the Residency Review Committee for Ophthalmology, and as the Senior Medical Director of Eversight Michigan. In addition to serving on the EBAA Board of Directors, Dr. Mian is the Chair of the Medical Advisory Board and a member of the Accreditation Board.
Brian Philippy, CEBT
Director of Transplant and Research
Lions Medical Eye Bank and Research Center of Eastern Virginia
Brian Philippy, BS, BCHe, CEBT is a consummate eye banker who started in Minnesota in 1997 and transferred to the Tidewater region of Virginia in 2005, where he serves in Quality, Technical, and Distribution roles. In addition to numerous consulting gigs, Brian also served as a Director of Operations for Vision Share (as well as other roles) between 2007 and 2015 (concurrent with Virginia director roles). Throughout these different appointments, Brian's personal passion is in the arena of distribution - finding homes for every transplantable graft and intentionally filling challenging research requests.
Michelle K. Rhee, MD
Medical Director
The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration
Michelle K. Rhee, MD, is the Medical Director of The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration in New York City. She is an associate clinical professor of ophthalmology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She is the president of the Eye and Contact Lens Association, formerly known as CLAO. Dr. Rhee completed subspecialty training in diseases of the cornea and refractive surgery at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary following a residency in ophthalmology at the Eye and Ear Institute of Pittsburgh. She earned her medical degree from the Icahn School of Medicine where she was part of the Humanities and Medicine Program which offered early acceptance to a selected group of undergraduates. Dr. Rhee graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University. Before pursuing a career in medicine, she studied piano, cello, and music composition at the Juilliard School in New York City.
Divya Srikumaran
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute
Divya Srikumaran, MD, is an associate professor of ophthalmology in the Division of Cornea and External Disease at the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute. She received her M.D. degree from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, after which she completed her ophthalmology residency and cornea fellowship training at the Wilmer Eye Institute. Dr. Srikumaran’s research interest includes the assessment of corneal transplant outcomes and risk factors for receiving keratoplasty through big data sources including administrative claims data. She received the Hoskins Center IRIS Registry Research Fund Award through the American Academy of Ophthalmology as well as the EBAA Pilot Research grant to study real-world endothelial keratoplasty outcomes. Dr. Srikumaran is leading a team to integrate Wilmer’s Clinical data into the IRIS registry and the SOURCE EHR repository. She is also a renowned educator and currently serves as Vice Chair of Education and was previously residency program director. As Vice Chair of Education, she has an interest in medical education and studying best practices to support doctors in training. Blending her passion for both education and expertise in corneal surgery, Dr. Srikumaran has also studied barriers to adoption of advanced keratoplasty procedures in the US and abroad. Dr. Srikumaran is a participant in the EBAA Physician Leadership Program and serves on the Scientific Programs Committee.
Susan Hurlbert, CEBT
Project Manager, Quality Improvement and Compliance
Susan Hurlbert, CEBT is a Project Manager with Eversight and has over 18 years of experience in eye banking. She oversees inspection readiness, the adverse event investigation and reporting process and clinical policy development. Prior to her present role in Quality Improvement and Compliance, she performed ocular tissue recovery, evaluation, processing, and donor eligibility. She has served on a variety of EBAA committees and currently sits on the Medical Review Subcommittee, Quality Assurance Committee, and Accreditation Board.
Winston Chamberlain, MD, PhD
Director of Cornea Service/Co-Medical Director
Lions VisionGift
Winston Chamberlain, MD, PhD, is the Chief of the Cornea and Refractive Surgery Division at the Casey Eye Institute, at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR, where he also directs the cornea fellowship. He is one of the Medical Directors for Lions VisionGift and is engaged in clinical and eye-bank research related to corneal transplantation. Dr. Chamberlain currently serves on the EBAA Medical Advisory Board and Accreditation Board.
Sean Edelstein, MD
Associate Medical Director
Mid-America Transplant
Sean Edelstein, MD, is an Associate Professor at Saint Louis University Department of Ophthalmology. Dr. Edelstein attended Medical School at University of Cape Town, South Africa, and completed his ophthalmology residency and fellowship in cornea, external disease and refractive surgery at Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Edelstein is the Associate Medical Director at Mid-America Transplant and is an active member in the EBAA, where he currently serves on the Accreditation Board and the Medical Review Subcommitee and has previously served on the Medical Advisory Board.
Jennifer Li, MD
Medical Director
Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank
Jennifer Li, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the UC Davis Eye Center where she is the Director of the Cornea and External Disease Service and the Fellowship Director. Dr. Li received her medical degree and completed her residency at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and subsequently completed a fellowship in Cornea, External Disease and Refractive Surgery at UC Davis. She is also the Co-Medical Director of Sierra Donor Services in Sacramento, California. Dr. Li is the immediate past Chair of the EBAA Board of Directors and has served on various EBAA committees including EBAA Accreditation Board, the Scientific Programs Committee and as Chair of the Medical Advisory Board. Dr. Li received the R. Townley Paton Award in 2021 for her contributions to the EBAA, sight restoration and corneal transplantation.
David Warner, MD
Medical Director
Arkansas Lions Eye Bank & Laboratory
David B. Warner, MD, is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology with the Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). He has served as the Medical Director of the Arkansas Lions Eye Bank & Laboratory, located at UAMS, for nine years. He completed a Corneal, External Disease and Refractive Surgery fellowship at the University of Florida after his residency in Ophthalmology at UAMS.
Roheena Kamyar, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Roheena Kamyar, MD, is a Clinical Assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh specializing in Cornea and External Diseases. She currently also serves on the advisory board at the Center for Organ Recovery and Education and is the Assistant Medical Director at the eye bank.
Joshua Hou, MD
Assistant Professor/Medical Director
University of Minnesota/Lions Gift of Sight
Joshua Hou, MD, is an Associate Professor and the Lyon Chair of Ophthalmology in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences at the University of Minnesota. He received a BS in Chemistry from Duke University (Durham, NC), where he graduated summa cum laude. He received his MD from Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine (St. Louis, MO). He then completed an ophthalmology residency and a fellowship in Cornea and External Disease at the University of Illinois Eye & Ear Infirmary. Dr. Hou currently serves as the Cornea Fellowship Director at the University of Minnesota and maintains a busy tertiary referral practice specialized in complex corneal transplantation and severe ocular surface disease. He is currently the Medical Director of the Lions Gift of Sight Eye Bank. Dr. Hou is an active member of EBAA, serving on various committees. He currently serves as a member on the EBAA Accreditation Board and the Policy and Position Review subcommittee, and is an Associate Editor of the Eye Banking and Corneal Transplantation Journal. Dr. Hou is also the immediate past Chair of the EBAA Scientific Programs Committee. He leads an NIH funded laboratory at the University of Minnesota and his research interests include eye banking, tissue processing, and limbal stem cell deficiency.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Scientific Symposium
The Scientific Symposium will highlight the latest research and innovation in eye banking and corneal transplantation. All attendees are welcome to join. Be sure to view the Symposia Book before the session.
Attendees will hear actual recordings of R. Townley Paton, witness heated debates about the best methods for treating fungal infection following endothelial keratoplasty, listen to presentations on scientific abstracts, and will hear the announcements of the recipients of the Pilot Research Grant and the Best Paper of Session Award. Highlights of the session are listed below.
Invited Sessions:
R. Townley Paton: A Portrait of His Own Times, in His Own Words (Live Presentation Only)
Launch of the Diabetes Endothelial Keratoplasty Study (DEKS): Impact of Diabetes on Corneal Transplant Success and Endothelial Cell Loss
Prevention of Fungal Infection after Keratoplasty: The Great DebateScientific Abstract Presentations
COVID-19 Pandemic and Eye Banking: Impact of the Second Wave
A Novel Virtual Wet Lab – Using a Smartphone Camera Adapter and a Video Conference Platform to Provide Real-Time Surgical Instruction
Bowman Layer Onlay Grafting: Proof-of-concept of a New Technique to Flatten Corneal Curvature and Reduce Progression in Keratoconus
Eye Bank Prepared Nanothin DSAEK Tissue: 3-year Processing Experience
Safety of Eye Bank Prepared Pre-stripped, Pre-stained, Pre-loaded Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (p3DMEK) Tissue
Comparison of Donor Cornea Endothelial Cell Density Determined by Eye Banks and by a Central Image Analysis Reading Center
Smoking Associated with Repeat Keratoplasty after Endothelial Keratoplasty
Investigation of Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Response in ex vivo Corneal Endothelial Cells during Cell Culture and Expansion
The Impact of Amphotericin B Fortified Preservation Media on Donor Rim Cultures and Post-Transplant InfectionAmedco LLC has approved this activity for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM
Marjan Farid, MD
Clinical Professor
University of California, Irvine
Marjan Farid, MD, is Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Director of Cornea, Cataract, and Refractive Surgery and Vice-Chair of Ophthalmic Faculty at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute (GHEI) at UC-Irvine. Dr. Farid's clinical practice is divided between patient care, teaching, and research. Dr. Farid’s research interests focus on corneal surgery, specifically in the use of the femtosecond laser for corneal transplantation. She performs all forms of corneal transplantation -- femtosecond enabled and lamellar keratoplasty. Dr. Farid is also the founder of the Severe Ocular Surface Disease Center at UCI. She performs limbal stem cell transplants as well as artificial corneal transplantation for the treatment of patients with severe ocular surface disorders. She is published in multiple peer reviewed leading journals and text book chapters. Dr. Farid currently serves as the Chair of the Cornea Clinical Committee of ASCRS and the Program Chair for the EBAA.
Joshua Hou, MD
Assistant Professor/Medical Director
University of Minnesota/Lions Gift of Sight
Joshua Hou, MD, is an Associate Professor and the Lyon Chair of Ophthalmology in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Neurosciences at the University of Minnesota. He received a BS in Chemistry from Duke University (Durham, NC), where he graduated summa cum laude. He received his MD from Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine (St. Louis, MO). He then completed an ophthalmology residency and a fellowship in Cornea and External Disease at the University of Illinois Eye & Ear Infirmary. Dr. Hou currently serves as the Cornea Fellowship Director at the University of Minnesota and maintains a busy tertiary referral practice specialized in complex corneal transplantation and severe ocular surface disease. He is currently the Medical Director of the Lions Gift of Sight Eye Bank. Dr. Hou is an active member of EBAA, serving on various committees. He currently serves as a member on the EBAA Accreditation Board and the Policy and Position Review subcommittee, and is an Associate Editor of the Eye Banking and Corneal Transplantation Journal. Dr. Hou is also the immediate past Chair of the EBAA Scientific Programs Committee. He leads an NIH funded laboratory at the University of Minnesota and his research interests include eye banking, tissue processing, and limbal stem cell deficiency.
Mark Mannis, MD
Medical Director
Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank
Mark J. Mannis, MD, is the Fosse Endowed Chair in Vision Science Research, and Professor and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Science, UC Davis Eye Center at the University of California, Davis. He also serves as Medical Director of Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank in Sacramento, California. Dr. Mannis is a recipient of the R. Townley Paton Award from EBAA and was a recipient of the Lew Wasserman Award in research from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc. for his work in the development of antimicrobial peptides in ophthalmology. He has received the Moacyr Alvaro Gold Medal from the Federal University of Sao Paulo for contributions to ophthalmic education in Latin America and has received an honorary doctorate from the University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru. He was the 2014 recipient of the Castroviejo Medal for his lifetime contributions to the subspecialty of cornea and both the Claes Dohlman Award from the Cornea Society and the EnergEyes award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology for his mentorship and teaching accomplishments. He conducts a busy referral practice in diseases of the cornea and external eye based at the University of California, Davis.
Jonathan Lass, MD
CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and University Hospitals Eye Institute
Jonathan Lass, MD, is the Charles I Thomas Professor in the CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and University Hospitals Eye Institute. He also directs the Cornea Image Analysis Reading Center at UH and CWRU and serves as the Medical Director for Eversight Ohio. He recently served as the PI for the National Eye Institute-sponsored Cornea Preservation Time Study which elucidated the factors impacting graft success and endothelial cell loss following DSAEK. He received the Paton Award from the EBAA in 2012 and the Castroviejo Award from the Cornea Society in 2017.
Bennie Jeng, MD, MS
Chair of Ophthalmology
Penn Medicine
Bennie H. Jeng, MD, MS, is the Harold G. Scheie Professor and Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology, and Director of the Scheie Eye Institute, of the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Washington University and his MD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He then completed his ophthalmology residency and chief residency at the Cole Eye Institute of the Cleveland Clinic, followed by a fellowship in cornea and external diseases at the Francis I. Proctor Foundation/University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in 2003.
He returned back to the Cole Eye Institute to serve on faculty, during which time he was the recipient of a K-grant from the NIH and also earned his Master’s degree in Clinical Investigation from Case Western Reserve University. He subsequently returned to Proctor/UCSF as an Associate Professor and then Full Professor, where he served as co-director of the UCSF cornea service, Director of the Proctor/UCSF Cornea Fellowship program, and Chief of Ophthalmology at San Francisco General Hospital, as well as being an R01-funded researcher in ocular surface diseases. In August 2013, Dr. Jeng began his tenure as Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where he served for nearly 9 years. He assumed his current position in July 2022.
Dr. Jeng has been very active with EBAA, dedicating his time and expertise to the association. He has served on the Research Committee since 2013 and is currently the Chair. He has also served on the Accreditation Board for nearly a decade and is currently Co-Chair. In addition, he has also been a longstanding member of the Medical Advisory Board and the Scientific Programs Committee (including as past Chair), and he has also served on the EBAA Board of Directors.
Dr. Jeng is also involved in the leadership of many other ophthalmologic societies, as President of the Cornea Society, Immediate Past-President of the Eye and Contact Lens Association, on the Board of Directors of the American Board of Ophthalmology, and on many AAO committees. He is a current member of the American Ophthalmologic Society as well as the Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology. Dr. Jeng has published over 140 peer-reviewed journal articles and 30 book chapters, and he has delivered over 400 invited lectures nationally and internationally.Elmer Tu, MD
Medical Director
Elmer Tu, MD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago/ Illinois Eye and Infirmary, where he serves as the Joel Sugar, MD Professor in Ophthalmology, Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, and Director of Cornea Service. Dr. Tu is a Medical Director for Eversight, and currently serves on the EBAA Medical Advisory Board and is currently Chair of the Medical Review Subcommittee.
Anthony Aldave, MD
Professor of Ophthalmology
Stein Eye Institute
Anthony Aldave, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology and Chief of the Cornea and Uveitis Division at the Stein Eye Institute. As a member of the EBAA Medical Advisory Board, Dr. Aldave and colleagues reported an increase in donor-transmitted fungal infections following corneal transplantation in 2013. He has maintained an interest in this topic since, recently publishing an invited editorial on the role of antifungal prophylaxis after receipt of a positive donor rim fungal culture and completing a study investigating the incidence, treatments and outcomes of donor-transmitted fungal infection following DMEK.
Francis Price, MD
Founder and President
Price Vision Group
Francis W. Price, Jr., MD is founder and president of Price Vision Group and the Cornea Research Foundation of America. He is the president and co-founder of the Medical Practice Consortium which oversees operations of nonprofit organization with $15 million in annual revenues. The Medical Practice Consortium provides benefit coverage to 90 independent Indiana medical practices. The Consortium has developed innovative ways to control rising prescription drug costs. He is an internationally recognized ophthalmic surgeon and recipient of the Life Achievement Honor Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Barraquer Award from the International Society of Refractive Surgery. He has authored over 250 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters and been principal investigator of more than 130 clinical studies of ophthalmic devices, medications and surgical techniques.
Mark Terry, MD
Director of Corneal Services
Devers Eye Institute
Mark Terry, MD, has been the Director of Corneal Services at the Devers Eye Institute in Portland, Oregon since 1990. He is also a Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at Oregon Health Sciences University. He received his undergraduate degree at Yale University, his medical degree at St. Louis University and completed his residency in Ophthalmology in San Francisco at the Naval Hospital Oakland. He has been the Medical Director of Lions VisionGift Eye Bank in Oregon and the Scientific Director of the Lions VisionGift Research Laboratory since 1990. He has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the AAO, the R. Townley Paton Award from EBAA, and is a member with thesis of the prestigious and exclusive American Ophthalmological Society since 2007.
David Ritterband, MD
Professor and System Director
Manhattan Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital (MEETH)/ Northwell Health
David C. Ritterband MD, FACS, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Health. He is currently the System Director of Refractive Surgery for the Northwell Health System and practices at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital (MEETH). Dr. Ritterband received his undergraduate degree from Duke University and his Doctorate in Medicine from New York Medical College. He completed his ophthalmology residency at New York Medical College and his Corneal and External disease fellowship at The Eye and Ear Institute of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Ritterband dedicates his time to clinical ophthalmic care, surgery, research and teaching. He has a special interest in ocular microbiology and corneal transplantation.
Clara Chan, MD
Medical Director
Eye Bank of Canada (Ontario Division)
Clara Chan, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Toronto and the President of the Canadian Cornea and Refractive Surgery Society. She teaches fellows as part of the Cornea fellowship program and is the Medical Director of the Eye Bank of Canada, Ontario Division. She has published more than 110 peer-reviewed papers and is the Cornea Editor for Eyeworld magazine. Most recently, Dr. Chan was included in The 2021 Ophthalmologist Power List, recognizing the top 100 most influential global female figures in ophthalmology.
Soledad Cortina, MD
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
M. Soledad Cortina, MD, is Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and attending physician in the Cornea Service at the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. Dr. Cortina serves as Director of the Keratoprosthesis Artificial Cornea Program, and Director of the Infirmary’s Comprehensive Ophthalmology Faculty Practice and General Eye Clinic. She is also co-director of the cornea fellowship program. Dr. Cortina joined the Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary as a board-certified cornea specialist in 2010. She received her medical degree from the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine, Argentina. Dr. Cortina completed her residency at Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Medicine; a research fellowship at Louisiana State University’s Neuroscience Center; and a clinical fellowship in cornea at UIC’s Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary. She currently serves as Medical Director for Eversight. Dr. Cortina currently serves as Vice-Chair of the EBAA Scientific Programs Committee and a member of the Accreditation Board and Medical Advisory Board.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Donor Tissue Evaluation: Current and New Technologies
Current practices in training, operations and quality measures of screening and post-processing evaluations will be presented. Standard slit lamp evaluation, specular microscopy techniques, use of OCT, wide field dual imaging, and challenging evaluation cases will be discussed by means of lecture and panel discussions.
Jonathan Lass, MD
CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and University Hospitals Eye Institute
Jonathan Lass, MD, is the Charles I Thomas Professor in the CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and University Hospitals Eye Institute. He also directs the Cornea Image Analysis Reading Center at UH and CWRU and serves as the Medical Director for Eversight Ohio. He recently served as the PI for the National Eye Institute-sponsored Cornea Preservation Time Study which elucidated the factors impacting graft success and endothelial cell loss following DSAEK. He received the Paton Award from the EBAA in 2012 and the Castroviejo Award from the Cornea Society in 2017.
Ahmed Omar, MD, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor
Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical Center
Ahmed Omar, MD, PhD, is assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical Center. Dr. Omar earned his medical degree and completed his residency at Assiut University in Egypt, completed the cornea fellowship at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and is currently Associate Medical Director of Eversight. Dr. Omar currently serves on the EBAA Scientific Programs Committee.
Adam Stockman, MBA, CEBT
Director of Clinical Operations
Iowa Lions Eye Bank
Adam Stockman, MBA, CEBT, began his eye banking career as a part-time recovery technician for Iowa Lions Eye Bank in 2003. Over the years he has been an active member of several EBAA Committees including serving four years as a faculty member of the Technician Education Seminar and currently serves on the Accreditation Board, Constitution & Bylaws Committee, and Certification Board.
Anthony Vizzerra, CEBT
Director of Clinical Services
Saving Sight
Anthony Vizzerra, CEBT, serves as Director of Clinical Services at Saving Sight. He has been in the eye banking profession for five years. Anthony earned his Bachelor of Science in psychology with a minor in chemistry from The University of Arizona. In his current role, Anthony oversees the daily operations of the clinical laboratory and directly supervises the lab team. Since being with Saving Sight, he has been able to successfully change procedural protocols to help reduce processing errors, as well as reduce overall supply costs.
Jameson Clover, CEBT
Senior Vice President of Surgical Services
Jameson has over 20 years of eye banking experience and currently leads the Processing and Distribution teams in both Portland, OR and Boston, MA. She has co-authored numerous publications related to eye banking and cornea transplantation and is a regular presenter for the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA). She has served on the EBAA Statistics committee and is the former Chair of the Exam Committee.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Technical Skills Workshop
The Technical Skills Workshop will feature presentations with information about the technical aspects of eye banking and will include case study discussions.
Presentations include:
Ocular Infectious Disease
Tissue Processing: DSEK and DMEK and a Peak at PDEK
Taking Photos of Corneal Tissue
Process Validation: What a Technician Needs to Know
Case Studies: Donor EligibilityMark Soper, CEBT, CTBS
Director Surgical Education and Innovation
Mark C. Soper, CEBT, CTBS, began his career in eye banking at the Eye Bank of British Columbia in 1984. Mark became a Certified Eye Bank Technician (CEBT) in 1986. Mark moved to Dallas to work with UT Transplant Services Center Lions Eye Bank from 1992-1993. Mark continued his career by working at Miracles in Sight (formerly the North Carolina Eye Bank) and developed the EK program at the eye bank. Since 2008, he has worked at VisionFirst in the roles of EK operator, trainer, consultant, and now as Director of Surgical Education and Innovation. Mark expanded the EK program to include DMAEK, DMEK and PDEK. Mark has served on various EBAA committees, and is currently on the Exam Committee. Mark was the 2019 Leonard Heise Award Recipient.
Andrea Crosson, CEBT
Senior Director of Donor Operations
Andrea Crosson, CEBT, has been at SightLife for over 16 years and has worked as a cornea recovery technician, transplant donor coordinator, medical review coordinator, and held several leadership roles throughout operations. Over the last few years Andrea has overseen the Medical Review, Quality Assurance and Donor Operations teams, working to increase collaboration across departments and with external partners, improve efficiency and quality throughout her organization. This ultimately helps SightLife provide thousands of corneas for transplant annually in order to support their mission to serve as a global leader and partner to eliminate corneal blindness by 2040.
Kerry Hennessey
Senior Donor Eligibility and Efficiency Specialist
Kerry Hennessey has worked as a Medical Director Designee at SightLife for over 5 years and most recently was promoted to Senior Donor Eligibility and Efficiency Specialist. In her current role Kerry is focused on ensuring our operational teams have a clear understanding of our medical criteria and works to find ways to maximize donation as well as improve efficiency without compromising quality.
Paul Graves, CEBT, CTBS
Vice President of Clinical Services
Advancing Sight Network
Paul Graves, CEBT, CTBS, was born and raised in Alabama. He joined Advancing Sight Network in July of 1997 as a Transplant Coordinator. Over the years, he has been involved in all aspects of clinical eye banking, from Laboratory Manager to Director of Laboratory Services. Today, as the Vice President of Clinical Services, Paul oversees the clinical processing aspects of Advancing Sight Network, from performing tissue processing itself to developing new processing procedures to assist surgeons in the care of their patients. Paul is a Certified Eye Bank Technician and a Certified Tissue Banking Specialist.
Wayne Dietz, CEBT
Quality Assurance Director
San Diego Eye Bank
Wayne Dietz, CEBT, is the Quality Assurance Director at the San Diego Eye Bank. Yes, when he started, Eye Banks were not performing serological testing in 1985. After leaving the United States Navy he brought his surgical scrub skills to the technical department, becoming Technical Director in 1988. Prior to entering the Quality Department, Wayne was the Tissue Distribution Manager. Working with Verble Worth and Verble, he helped to establish the consent program at the Medical Examiner’s Office. He has served on the following EBAA committees: Technician Training, Technician Certification, Research and Quality Assurance.
Troy Win'E, CEBT
Senior Director of Recovery and Partner Relations
Troy Win’E, CEBT, is the Sr. Director of Recovery and Partner Relation at SightLife. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Cellular Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Troy currently serves on the EBAA Technician Education Committee as Chair.
Ingrid Schunder, MBA, CEBT
VP of Logistics & Development
Miracles in Sight
Ingrid Schunder, MBA, CEBT, is the Vice President of Logistics and Development and is responsible for the day to day logistical operations of both North and South Carolina. This includes the supervision and ongoing training of the Surgical Recovery Specialists who perform ocular tissue recoveries as well as the Professional Development Staff servicing the hospitals, Medical Examiners, Coroners and Funeral Homes of North and South Carolina. Ingrid served in the United States Army, HHC, 2nd Armored Division as the Commanding General’s Attendant. Prior to her career in eye banking she taught high school Spanish and English. Her degrees include MBA in Leadership, a BA in Psychology and a BS in Education. Currently, Ingrid serves on the EBAA Technician Education Committee and the Technician Education Seminar Staff
Alan N. Carlson, MD
Professor of Ophthalmology
Duke University
Contains 2 Component(s)
Keynote Session: The Needs and Challenges of Using Ocular Tissue and Cells in Cell-Based Therapies
Stem cell-derived products have the potential to provide ocular tissue and therapeutic factors to treat a variety of ocular diseases. Steven Becker, PhD, Associate Director of the National Eye Institute (NEI) Office of Regenerative medicine will highlight NIH-funded regenerative medicine programs and will discuss the implications they may have for vision research and the development of future therapies. A Q&A session will be moderated by Jennifer Li, MD.
Steven Becker
Associate Director
NEI Office of Regenerative Medicine
Steven Becker, PhD, joined the National Eye Institute (NEI) in 2014. He currently leads several regenerative medicine programs as the Associate Director of the Office of Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Becker participates on a number of other projects including the NIH Regenerative Medicine Innovation Project (RMIP), the BRAIN Initiative resource dissemination team, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Forum on Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Becker has a BA in biology from the University of Virginia and a PhD in cell biology from Yale University.
Jennifer Li, MD
Medical Director
Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank
Jennifer Li, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the UC Davis Eye Center where she is the Director of the Cornea and External Disease Service and the Fellowship Director. Dr. Li received her medical degree and completed her residency at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and subsequently completed a fellowship in Cornea, External Disease and Refractive Surgery at UC Davis. She is also the Co-Medical Director of Sierra Donor Services in Sacramento, California. Dr. Li is the immediate past Chair of the EBAA Board of Directors and has served on various EBAA committees including EBAA Accreditation Board, the Scientific Programs Committee and as Chair of the Medical Advisory Board. Dr. Li received the R. Townley Paton Award in 2021 for her contributions to the EBAA, sight restoration and corneal transplantation.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Engaging Residents and Fellows With Local Eye Banks
Engaging with local residency and Cornea Fellowship programs is a great way for eye banks to build relationships with local programs, introduce eye banking to ophthalmogists, educate physicians on where their tissue comes from, and develop relationships with physicians. Speakers will discuss best practices for establishing contact with local programs, tools for educating physicians about eye banking, suggestions for an itinerary when hosting visits at the eye bank, and additional resources and information for best practices when engaging with resident and Fellows.
Jennifer Li, MD
Medical Director
Sierra Donor Services Eye Bank
Jennifer Li, MD, is a Professor of Ophthalmology at the UC Davis Eye Center where she is the Director of the Cornea and External Disease Service and the Fellowship Director. Dr. Li received her medical degree and completed her residency at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and subsequently completed a fellowship in Cornea, External Disease and Refractive Surgery at UC Davis. She is also the Co-Medical Director of Sierra Donor Services in Sacramento, California. Dr. Li is the immediate past Chair of the EBAA Board of Directors and has served on various EBAA committees including EBAA Accreditation Board, the Scientific Programs Committee and as Chair of the Medical Advisory Board. Dr. Li received the R. Townley Paton Award in 2021 for her contributions to the EBAA, sight restoration and corneal transplantation.
Michelle K. Rhee, MD
Medical Director
The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration
Michelle K. Rhee, MD, is the Medical Director of The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration in New York City. She is an associate clinical professor of ophthalmology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She is the president of the Eye and Contact Lens Association, formerly known as CLAO. Dr. Rhee completed subspecialty training in diseases of the cornea and refractive surgery at the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary following a residency in ophthalmology at the Eye and Ear Institute of Pittsburgh. She earned her medical degree from the Icahn School of Medicine where she was part of the Humanities and Medicine Program which offered early acceptance to a selected group of undergraduates. Dr. Rhee graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University. Before pursuing a career in medicine, she studied piano, cello, and music composition at the Juilliard School in New York City.
Shahzad Mian, MD
Medical Director
Shahzad Mian, MD, is professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Michigan Medical School and serves as the Vice Chair for Clinical Sciences and Learning. Dr. Mian previously served as director of the residency training program between 2004-2019. Dr. Mian’s practice is focused in cornea and refractive surgery and research interests include corneal transplantation techniques, ocular graft versus host disease, and eye banking. Dr. Mian received the senior achievement award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2015, the Straatsma award for resident education in 2017 and the R. Townley Paton Award from the EBAA in 2019. Dr. Mian serves on the Board of Eye Bank Association of America, Cornea Society, and Eversight Eye Bank. Dr. Mian also serves on the Residency Review Committee for Ophthalmology, and as the Senior Medical Director of Eversight Michigan. In addition to serving on the EBAA Board of Directors, Dr. Mian is the Chair of the Medical Advisory Board and a member of the Accreditation Board.
Eric Meinecke
Georgia Eye Bank
Eric Meinecke, CEBT, graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2000, and began his eye banking career at Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank (RMLEB) in Colorado. He served in various positions of increasing responsibility through April 2005. He then served as the Technical Director for the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin for three years before returning to Colorado in 2008 where he was RMLEB’s Technical Director. Eric joined Georgia Eye Bank in April 2011 as the Chief Operating Officer and was promoted to President & Chief Executive Officer in January 2014. Eric has been a Certified Eye Bank Technician (CEBT) since 2003 and has served in several various leadership roles for the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA). He currently serves on the Accreditation Board, is secretary of the Medical Advisory Board, and is an at-large member of the Board of Directors.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Reignite Your Life: How to Manage Stress, Prevent Burnout, and Perform at PEAK levels
What needs to be #Ignited to increase & sustain PEAKs in your life?
Are YOU stressed, burnt out, or managing a team who needs to find their fire and joy?
Will you allow yourself to push the pause button long enough to figure out how to reignite your life changing it from ho-hum COVID-19 doldrums to full of passion?
In this 60-minute power session, Michelle will change your life forever! TOTALLY Kidding... and definitely impossible! But isn't it perfectly apropos that burnout prevention and stress management is featured on day three of a conference in mid-June when you might rather hit up happy hour, head out early for a long weekend, or go on vacation? This lightning round of info will cover the research on risk and resiliency factors in healthcare burnout and help address this vital topic of burnout prevention, stress management, and the need to strategize ways to sustain PEAK performance in the busy eye bank world. Participants will be provided tricks, tips, and 2 practical tools that can be implemented back in the office. Plus, the tools can also be used for staff, donor families, patients, or recipient families dealing with stress.
Join Michelle for some good info, great tools, and hopefully, laughs to launch us toward an enjoyable weekend.
Michelle Post
CEO & President
Post International, Inc.
Michelle Post, MA, LMFT has been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist as well as a consultant, trainer, expert witness, and life-enrichment coach for more than 23 years. Michelle specializes in helping people cope with trauma, change, grief, loss, suicide prevention, stress-management, and burnout prevention with experience working in UCLA’s Intercollegiate Athletics, in teen probation, and in chronic pain management. She has over 14 years’ experience in the organ, eye, and tissue donation fields, serving AOPO and AATB with nearly 12 years as part of OneLegacy’s Donor Family Aftercare Team. She also co-hosts the weekly podcast, “Keeping Your Sh*t Together in a Stressed World” with her co-host Scott Grossberg, Esq.
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The presentation will cover FDA’s oversight and requirements for Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/P’s) as well as Biological Products, which require a biologics license application (BLA). Seth will discuss at a high level the general data requirements for a BLA, along with other considerations comparing the two regulatory pathways.
Regenerative therapies could be in the future for eye banking, and with these advancements, there will be new regulations. As eye banks prepare for new technologies such as human corneal endothelial cell (HCEC) cultures, these stem cell therapies would be regulated as both drug and biological products under FD&C Act, and section 351 of the PHS Act regulations. Seth Olson, the FDA/Life Sciences Associate for LATHAM & WATKINS, LLP, compares and contrasts these requirements to prepare organizations for expanded regulations and provides insights for various regulatory pathways.
The presentation will cover FDA’s oversight and requirements for Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (HCT/P’s) as well as Biological Products, which require a biologics license application (BLA). Seth will discuss at a high level the general data requirements for a BLA, along with other considerations comparing the two regulatory pathways.
J. Seth Olson, JD
Latham & Watkins
Seth Olson, JD, is an associate in the Washington, D.C. office of Latham & Watkins and a member of the Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice. He advises clients on regulatory, compliance, and transactional matters involving the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other federal health agencies, including the medical device, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, human cellular and tissue-based products, food, dietary supplement, and cosmetic industries.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Research and Surgical Innovation: The Lasting Impact of Ocular Donation
Sight restoration, corneal transplantation and eye banking are constantly evolving and rely heavily on research and innovation for continued advancements and improvement. Research and innovation in sight restoration are made possible due to ocular tissue donation and the generous decision of individuals or of the loved ones of a deceased individual. This session will highlight ocular donation for research and how eye banks can promote donation for research and honor those who have impacted sight restoration through donation.
During this panel discussion, presenters will discuss the following:
• The innovations that have taken place in ocular transplantation and eye banking
• How various eye banks support and conduct research and recognize the research donors
• The merits of creating new knowledge in service to our donors, recipients, families, and communities
• Talking points for making the case for eye donation for research
• Processing requests for research tissue and matching tissue with the researcher
• The various types of ocular tissue that are provided for research
• Recommendations for how researchers are able to acknowledge ocular donors when sharing their researchJoin us as we celebrate the advancements and innovation that have taken place in sight restoration, discuss the role eye banks have in research, share recommendations and best practices for promoting ocular donation for research and honor those who have contributed to ocular research and education.
Sponsored by:
Greg Grossman
Chief Scientific Officer
Advancing Sight Network
Gregory Grossman, PhD, CEBT, has over 18 years of clinical and research experience and serves as the Chief Scientific Officer of Advancing Sight providing administrative leadership and scientific oversight for the Precision Ocular Biobank and the Biotechnology Innovation Center. He received his biomedical PhD with honors in neuroscience from Kent State University and completed a fellowship in retinal disorders at the Cleveland Clinic’s Cole Eye Institute. Dr. Grossman holds certifications in eye banking (CEBT) and conducting clinical trials (CCRP), and is board certified in Medical Affairs (BCMAS), and serves on several national scientific and medical committees.
Patty Stockdale
Partner & Community Relations Manager
Lions Gift of Sight
Patty Stockdale currently serves as Partner & Community Relations Manager at Lions Gift of Sight, and on the EBAA Donor, Partner & Community Relations Committee. She has been a friend of the eye bank since 2007, volunteering in a variety of roles prior to joining the staff in 2015. Patty holds a degree in Business Management and has a diverse background in business.
Esther Baker
Executive Director
Iowa Lions Eye Bank
Esther Baker, MA, MBA, joined Iowa Lions Eye Bank as executive director in January 2019. She has a background in non-profit management and program administration, communication, and program evaluation and qualitative research in areas including health services, higher education, and youth development programming. Previous roles include special projects research associate at Strength in Numbers Consulting Group and deputy director of the Iowa Tobacco Research Center in the University of Iowa College of Public Health. She earned her master’s degree in Communication and her BA in telecommunications from Michigan State University and her MBA from the University of Iowa.
Khoa Tran
Vice President of R&D
Lions VisionGift
Khoa Tran, PhD, is the Vice President of R&D at Lions VisionGift. He received a BS in Biomedical Engineering from UC Berkeley and his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Oregon. He is a trained molecular biologist and biochemist with extensive experience working with animal models, cell culture, and human ocular tissues. He has co-authored over 40 scientific publications and won grant awards from the EBAA, American Heart Association, and the National Institutes of Health. In his current role, Dr. Tran leads laboratory efforts to develop eye bank processes aimed to improve corneal tissue quality and safety for transplant recipients. His team also procures ocular tissue and provides contract research services to help industry and academic partners advance their sight-saving research.
Ching Yuan
Research and Development Director
Lions Gift of Sight
Ching Yuan, PhD, was previously a faculty member at the University of Minnesota and a corneal researcher who is well-published in the field of corneal diseases, wound healing, and limbal stem cell research. When Lions Gift of Sight created their Research and Development program, Dr. Yuan was recruited as the director.
Jeremy Shuman
International Business Development Manager
Lions Eye Institute for Transplant and Research
Jeremy Shuman, MPH, CEBT, works primairly to build international partnerships and awareness. He builds eye banking systems around the world, promotes eye banking services, and organizes and runs surgeon wet labs.
Contains 2 Component(s)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: The Lever to Competitive Advantage
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion- these are not just buzz words but instead are principles that should be incorporated into every aspect of an organization.
Delight Deloney, Field Service Director for the Society for Human Resource Management, will discuss the importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the impact it has on the bottom line of the workplace. Attendees will learn how to recognize and overcome bias, while creating opportunities for self-reflection and improved understanding of cultural differences.
Delight Deloney
Field Services Director
Society for Human Resource Management
Delight Deloney, MSW, MHRIR, SHRM-CP, is an award winning, passionate people developer with a background in Human Resources and Counseling. At SHRM she is responsible for overseeing the fostering and promotion of memberships, educational programs, certification and services focused on advancing the profession of human resources and creating better workplaces for all. She is an experienced HR professional specializing in an array of HR topics. She has worked extensively in the aerospace industry.
Delight holds a Master in Human Resources and Industrial Relations (MHRIR) degree and a Master in Social Work (MSW) degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign and a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from Virginia Union University.