Donor Tissue Evaluation: Current and New Technologies

Current practices in training, operations and quality measures of screening and post-processing evaluations will be presented.  Standard slit lamp evaluation, specular microscopy techniques, use of OCT, wide field dual imaging, and challenging evaluation cases will be discussed by means of lecture and panel discussions.  

Jonathan Lass, MD


CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and University Hospitals Eye Institute

Jonathan Lass, MD, is the Charles I Thomas Professor in the CWRU Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and University Hospitals Eye Institute.  He also directs the Cornea Image Analysis Reading Center at UH and CWRU and serves as the Medical Director for Eversight Ohio.  He recently served as the PI for the National Eye Institute-sponsored Cornea Preservation Time Study which elucidated the factors impacting graft success and endothelial cell loss following DSAEK.  He received the Paton Award from the EBAA in 2012 and the Castroviejo Award from the Cornea Society in 2017.

Ahmed Omar, MD, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical Center

Ahmed Omar, MD, PhD, is assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical Center. Dr. Omar earned his medical degree and completed his residency at Assiut University in Egypt, completed the cornea fellowship at UT Southwestern Medical Center, and is currently Associate Medical Director of Eversight. Dr. Omar currently serves on the EBAA Scientific Programs Committee.

Adam Stockman, MBA, CEBT

Director of Clinical Operations

Iowa Lions Eye Bank

Adam Stockman, MBA, CEBT, began his eye banking career as a part-time recovery technician for Iowa Lions Eye Bank in 2003. Over the years he has been an active member of several EBAA Committees including serving four years as a faculty member of the Technician Education Seminar and currently serves on the Accreditation Board, Constitution & Bylaws Committee, and Certification Board.

Anthony Vizzerra, CEBT

Director of Clinical Services

Saving Sight

Anthony Vizzerra, CEBT, serves as Director of Clinical Services at Saving Sight. He has been in the eye banking profession for five years. Anthony earned his Bachelor of Science in psychology with a minor in chemistry from The University of Arizona. In his current role, Anthony oversees the daily operations of the clinical laboratory and directly supervises the lab team.  Since being with Saving Sight, he has been able to successfully change procedural protocols to help reduce processing errors, as well as reduce overall supply costs. 

Jameson Clover, CEBT

Senior Vice President of Surgical Services


Jameson has over 20 years of eye banking experience and currently leads the Processing and Distribution teams in both Portland, OR and Boston, MA. She has co-authored numerous publications related to eye banking and cornea transplantation and is a regular presenter for the Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA). She has served on the EBAA Statistics committee and is the former Chair of the Exam Committee. 


Donor Tissue Evaluation: Current and New Technologies
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Session Evaluation
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