Keynote Session: Embedding a Culture of Innovation into Everyone’s DNA

How will we compete in the 4th industrial revolution? By disrupting industry norms to innovate, versus simply iterating to achieve our quarterly results. Innovation is no longer a trendy buzz word, for many legacy brands it's a matter of survival. So how do we embed a culture of innovation across an entire organization when we’ve all been told for so long that we're not creative and we don't think we’re capable of innovating. 

Duncan Wardle believes everyone is creative and can innovate and he is on a mission to prove it. During this highly interactive and entertaining keynote presentation, Duncan will present a tool kit made-up of a series of Creative Behaviors and Innovation Tools that makes innovation easy, creativity tangible and the process fun. With this keynote you will learn some of the tools and behaviors Duncan developed leaning in on his experience as the former head of Innovation and Creativity at Disney.

Be sure to attend this session and be ready to participate and to be entertained by Duncan’s unique creative process! 

IMPORTANT: This session will not be recorded and will only be broadcast live.

CEUs: 1

Duncan Wardle



Duncan Wardle, is the former Head of Innovation and Creativity at Disney, where he and his team helped Imagineering, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Pixar and Disney Parks to innovate, creating magical new storylines and experiences for consumers around the globe. As founder of iD8 & innov8 he now brings his extensive Disney experience to audiences around the world using a very unique approach to Design Thinking, that not only places the end user at the core of the creative thinking process, but also looks in new and usual places to uncover insights for innovation, helping people capture unlikely connections, leading to fresh thinking and disruptive ideas.


Keynote Session: Embedding a Culture of Innovation into Everyone’s DNA
06/09/2021 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
06/09/2021 at 11:00 AM (EDT)  |  60 minutes
Session Evaluation
4 Questions