2023 R. Townley Paton Award Lecture: It's All About Time

The R. Townley Paton Award is presented annually to a physician who has made significant contributions to eye banking, sight restoration, and the EBAA. The 2023 R. Townley Paton Award Recipient is David Verdier, MD. Dr. Verdier was presented with the award during the 2023 Cornea and Eye Banking Forum, and then delivered the R. Townley Paton Award Lecture.

David Verdier, MD

2023 Paton Award Recipient

Verdier Eye Center, PLC

Time and service have played major roles in shaping my, and I suspect your, life. One can measure success by achievements. I could stand before you and list the exemplary contributions I have made to our profession or the care of my patients. But that would be a very short talk. And boring. I think that in my case, and for many of us, the journey is more interesting than the destination.


Paton Award Introduction
Recorded 11/03/2023  |  6 minutes
Recorded 11/03/2023  |  6 minutes Introduction was given by 2022 R. Townley Paton Awardee, Dr. Anthony Aldave.
R. Townley Paton Lecture: It’s All About Time
Recorded 11/03/2023  |  20 minutes
Recorded 11/03/2023  |  20 minutes