In Situ Excision
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View this free skills video about how to perform an in situ excision.
Thank you to Donor Network of Arizona for recording and providing this video. Thank you to the family of the donor for supporting their loved one's donation, and for generously allowing DNA and EBAA to share this recovery with the EBAA membership for training and educational purposes.

Sharlene Rupp, MPA, CEBT
Donor Network of Arizona
Sharlene Rupp, MPA, CEBT, has worked in the field of transplantation since 2007 at Donor Network of Arizona. She started her career in tissue recovery, transferring to the Ocular Supervisor role in 2013. Sharlene completed her Bachelor of Science in human biology, and master’s degree in public administration with an emphasis in health care management from Grand Canyon University. For the last 6 years, Sharlene has overseen the recovery, distribution, and processing at the eye bank at Donor Network of Arizona.